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Planet Bike 9.0 Protege Computer

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Planet Bike 9.0 Protege Computer - Computer
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I like this computer because it does NOT have 8 different modes requiring a bunch of button presses to find the info you want, causing you to crash into a tree. It only has 3 modes: time & temp, max & avg speed, and odo. The top 3 lines - speed, ride time and distance - are always the same, and switching between modes only changes what's on the 4th row. Lots of info at a glance, but simple to use.

The white color is hideous, but necessary since it has a built in thermometer. Even in white, it will read high when it's in the sun (duh), but when it's not in the sun it IS accurate to within a degree or two.

I've had several of these. One has failed outright and another one got permanent discoloration in part of the screen because I left it on the bike while it was parked outside in a rainstorm. PB replaced one of them when I asked; the other one I just live with. It is mostly but not quite fully weatherproof, so caveat rider. Do NOT leave it on the bike if you're transporting it on your car; if you encounter rain on the drive you'll probably ruin it.

One other downside is that despite a larger, heavier magnet than Cateye computers, you have to get the pickup REALLY close to the passing magnet for it to sense it. Like no more than about 1mm away. Not sure if this is going to work on my fatbike without modification - I may have to rig up some sort of block to stand the magnet away from the spokes (or the pickup inboard from the fork leg) in order to work.

Pros: Awesome interface and screen. All the important info visible at a glance, with less important info visible in just 3 modes with no submenus. Keeps your eyes on the road, not sifting through your computer's menus and modes. Has a thermometer!

Cons: White is ugly. Pickup is not sensitive and requires the magnet to pass really close by, causing compatibility problems with some fork/wheel combos. OK in moderate showers, but not fully weatherproof.

Would Buy Again: Yes
Would Recommend: Yes

Reviewed on: March 16, 2015
Reviewed by: GlowBoy

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